Knowing good money moves for better finances is essential for your financial fitness. This enables the best debt management practices.
Good Money Moves for Better Finances
Take account of all your debt:
Get a complete picture of all your debt. Knowing how much you owe will help managing debt in a more structured manner. More often than not, people tend to underestimate the overall debt they have. Therefore, taking account of all of your debt is the first step to good money moves for better finances.
Take stock of your income and expenses:
The next good money move for better finances is awareness. Take note of each and every one of your monthly expenses. You have to have an idea of how much you spend including paying off your consumer debt. Don’t forget those cups of coffee and gas bills. Then compare your expenses with your income to see if you have any left. If you don’t then it is time to make some adjustments. If it does, then let’s work out a plan for your savings.
Cut back to save:
So, you took stock of your budget. Now you know you have to cut back to save money. You know exactly what you spend and where. First look into and see if you can cut back on your entertainment budget or monthly cable bills. If cutting back is not an option, you can look into getting a second job for extra income.
Watch your credit:
When it comes to good money moves for better finances, your credit takes a very important place. Rebuilding credit if it needs work is where you should start. If you are already in good credit standing, keep up the good work! Pay your bills on time and don’t miss your payments. Work towards building an emergency fund if for some reason your debt management plan goes south. Keep a watch on your credit rating regularly.
If you are seeking assistance with your finances speak with a certified counselor at ACCC today. Call 800-769-3571.
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