Using your credit cards responsibly can take away the trouble of having to worry about how to get out of debt. There are a number of common credit card myths that you should be aware of. Unfortunately, some of these myths can cause serious harm to consumers’ credit scores.
What are the Most Common Credit Card Myths?
Living a healthy financial life requires proper understanding of your credit cards. Knowing the common credit card myths can help you avoid too much debt. Believing in credit card myths can not only cost you boatloads of money but can also have a negative impact on your credit score.
Let’s look at the most common credit card myths in detail.
- Carrying a balance on your credit card helps your score. Every month you should pay your bill in full if you can. If you can’t, it is important to pay at least the minimum, preferably more, on time. Carrying a balance will also come with growing interest rates charged by the credit card company.
- Don’t accept an increase on your credit card limit. If you don’t increase your spending, an increase on your credit card limit can help improve your utilization rate (the amount of a consumer’s credit limit being used) – a key factor in credit scores.
- Close unused credit cards once they are paid off. It could be more beneficial to your credit scores if you keep the unused credit card open, especially if there aren’t any fees. By keeping the card open, the credit card limit is greater, which helps the credit card utilization rate.
- Debit cards can help credit scores. Properly maintaining a debit card only shows that you are responsible and do not improve your credit score.
- Only have one credit card. Adding another credit card is okay – especially if you are managing your spending and paying your bills on time.
If you are looking for credit card debt advice, speak with a certified counselor at ACCC today. Call 800-769-3571.
The post What Are The Most Common Credit Card Myths? appeared first on Talking Cents.