There is no rule book written on how to get out of credit card debt. However, you can approach it in many ways. Here are some options to eliminate credit card debt. Make sure you choose what fits you best!
Cost Effective Ways to Eliminate Credit Card Debt
Focus your resources on your debt
You will focus all your time and energy towards getting out of debt fast. Therefore, you become organized and have some savings or income to direct toward your debt. You can start with these steps:
- Try living on a cash-only budget to avoid adding even more consumer debt.
- Make a list of the amount of debt, interest rate, and minimum payment on each card.
- Choose your battles! Would you rather pay off the credit card with high interest first? Or would you start with the smallest balance?
- Rework your budget to accommodate the credit card payments and cut back to save!
Use a balance-transfer card
This is a tricky way to eliminate credit card debt. If you have good to great credit, you could transfer the balance from your current card to a new one with a lower interest rate. However, this method does not eliminate your dependency on credit cards. Therefore, make sure this method makes sense and fits your financial strategy.
Apply for a credit card consolidation loan
Given the high interest rates, it can get harder to eliminate credit card debt. Depending on your circumstances you can consider credit card consolidation loans. This way you pay off your credit card balance with a new loan for the same amount but at a lower interest rate.
Enroll in a debt management plan
To eliminate credit card debt, your next option to look at maybe a debt management plan. If you choose an organization like ACCC our certified credit counselors will take you through a structured process that includes:
- Creating your budget,
- A plan to pay off your debt and
- Speak with your creditors on your behalf.
Declare bankruptcy
This is your last resort. This is also notably the most expensive way to eliminate credit card debt. On the one hand, you will see it as a clean slate, however, is a serious hit for your credit history. It is safe to speak with a professional counselor prior to making this decision.
Speak with a certified counselor at ACCC today to figure out your best method for eliminating credit card debt. Call 800-769-3571 today. Call 800-769-3571.
The post Cost Effective Ways To Eliminate Credit Card Debt appeared first on Talking Cents.